
Heat42 - Heat Detection System

If you want to detect heat and get instantly informed of a hidden heat is detected, an insemination results in success, or a abortion event, when the latter actually takes place, MilkingCloud and Actimoo represent the ideal pair as a marvellous herd tracking application tailored for these operations.

How does It Work?

The spedometer device accumulates data on all activities performed by the animal to which it is physically attached, according to a certain algorithm. It transposes the data on the antenna system with which it communicates at certain intervals.

It works not solely relying on the number of steps, but detecting all movements of the animal. Thereby it is capable of detecting activity for animals getting upset where they are standing. This method is more efficient when used in support of observation method.

This modus operandi continues for 24 hours. By the time data arrives, the computer system will examine the previous habitual activity patterns of a particular animal, and issues a decision as to whether any symptoms of heat are present. Thereby it becomes possible for the system to effectively handle any symptoms of heat instantly.The result of symptomatic test will be revealed in an info note in an e-mail or SMS text message directed to the user or farm management.

Actimoo keeps a close track of differences in activities of farm animals, like increased activity and the mounting behaviour during heat. If the different activity than usual keeps continuing for a definite period of time, it automatically generates and sends messages through SMS to the farm/ranch owner.Detection of heat requires tracking of tens of varying parameters, depending on animal health and farm applications. A visual check should absolutely be performed on the animal whenever Actimoo warnings are received. Actimoo's rate of success varies in a range of 80 to 95%, depending on farm standards and animal's health.

No Need To Note Down

Your herd is under the control of Actimoo, online. You don’t have to write down dates of insemination, calving or the pregnancy check.

All Process Is Well In Hand

Actimoo and MilkingCloud take care of the entire process, including heat, insemination, yield of milk and treatment.

Insemination On Time

With the seasonable insemination you may improve your profit by maximizing the yield of milking and breeding.


Insert to the Neck

Actimoo and MilkingCloud cooperate to deliver you the ability to auto-detect heat in cows. Moreover, you are informed on the instant of heat through an SMS message delivered to your cellphone.


Apply in your Herd

Pedometers can be used repeatedly and recurrently on other animals until expiry of their useful lives. It is a recommended practice to leave Actimoo attached to the same animal throughout the gestation period. Doing so will help bringing the risk of an animal’s redeveloping heat, in potential cases of miscarriage, under control.


Get Efficiency

If a rancher can get one calf per each cow owned, this means that he grabbed the success. With proper insemination, there would not be any interruption in milk output. And proper insemination is only possible with efficient heat tracking.

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