We are SPP42

The companies that are in charge of information technology, software and electronic system integrations. Spp42 HeadQuarters Office is based in ANKARA. R&D team is located in Turkey. Founded in 2007, SPP42 Turkey offers world-class information technology and IT solutions. It is a reputable software company not only in the national market but also in the world. The group of companies that SPP42 is in front of has its offices in ANKARA, PODGORİCA, BOCA RATON and Tashkent.

SPP42 GROUP employ 56 full time personnel (4 Lawyer, 35 IT, and 12 Statistics Consultant and 5 support staff), 3 part time personnel (4 financial accountant, 4 statisticians) and were cruit number of short term experts with many specializations.

SPP42 has experience in business intelligence, business analytics and decision support systems, Management, information technologies (IT), statistics and biostatistics in health sector. Having a dynamic service understanding with respectable consultants and expert teams, SPP42 aims to become a leader in the field of big data analytics pioneered in Turkey by creating sustainable value on a global scale.


We help our partners, customers in their Big Data, IoT and Analytics unlocking value journey with our Platform, consultancy and training. SPP42 is specialized in Scala, Functional programming, Neo4J, MongoDB, ApacheStorm, Spark, Solr, ElasticSearch,Cassandra, ETL, RDBMS, Talend and Data Streaming technologies.

spp42  timeline

We are Hard Working

We work really hard to deliver these awesome products and services


We are Awesome

We are a dedicated team of professionals who passionately work on delivering the best.


We are Passionate

We work daily with pation to deliver the best of the breed technology in a fashionable way.


We are Experts

We constantly work to bring the newest technology together with the newest trends.